
Make the Best Out of Stress

It’s 9:30 a.m. and traffic was snarled, your computer’s down and your 9 a.m. still hasn’t arrived. Do you:

A. Erupt, figuring the day is now ruined?

B. Think, “Great! Now I have more time to work on that project”?

C. Think, “Great! Now I have more time to check out the half-off Halloween candy selection at the local store”?

If you want a low-stress work style, we hope you picked B. (If you answered C, you’ve got a work style that, uh, is an entirely different matter.) People with such a work style don’t let stressful situations make them feel rushed or impatient. They’re happier and get more done because they prioritize and communicate well.


Source: StayWell Co.
