
Gore’s 1st Task as President

* Ken Khachigian’s stinging attack of Al Gore (Oct. 11) was mindless and tasteless. I’m no apologist for the Democrats, but let’s be fair and honest.

Imagine what the vice president must think when he takes his first, long look in the mirror each morning. Despite his public posturing, you know Gore secretly has got to be thinking about what he will say immediately after Bill Clinton either resigns or is impeached.

So when Gore becomes president, whom will he nominate as his vice president? Former senators Bill Bradley, George Mitchell or Sam Nunn? Rep. Dick Gephardt? I have no doubts any one of these gentlemen could win Senate confirmation. The only trouble is, none of them would be able to help Gore when it really counts--in the general election two years from now.


No, Gore needs to nominate someone else to be his vice president and eventual running mate. He needs to pick someone who embodies the “S-S” factor: smart, savvy and representing the Silicon Valley. The last time I looked that was Rep. Zoe Lofgren.

As qualified as he is, Gore is going to have a tough time filling the bill as our next president. Two things will lighten Gore’s load. First, a grateful nation that desperately wants new leadership. And second, a vice president he and the people can count on. Lofgren definitely could fill both these shoes with honor and distinction. Even Khachigian can rally behind this.


Laguna Beach

* If Khachigian’s definition for a “dufus” is a person of honor, integrity, responsibility and brains, not to mention looks and great family values, like Al Gore, would to God we had a Congress full of them, instead of the “do-nothing” majority that’s there now.



Santa Ana
