
Mark McGwire

* As I watched this giant of a person hit this home run, it occurred to me that Mark McGwire is a hero in every sense of the word. The thing that has most impressed me, even more than the accomplishment, is the style and grace this man has shown. From involving his young son in the chase, to the emotional embrace he gave the Maris family, to the way he and Sammy Sosa show obvious respect and friendship, Tuesday is a day I will never forget.

In this age of presidents letting us down and star athletes who seem to care more about the money than the game, I am proud of the great American pastime. Congratulations, Mark and Sammy--congratulations, baseball!


Newport Beach


* I’ve never called any sports star a hero before, but McGwire’s heartfelt postgame speech made me feel more pride in America than anything I’ve heard from anyone in Washington in a very long time.


Congratulations, Mac--and thanks for proving honesty, hard work, guts and good old-fashioned character still count for something in this country. Mister, you’re my hero.


Spring Valley


* Thank you for the nicest photo on your front page of McGwire carrying and hugging his son after he tied Roger Maris’ record of 61 homers (Sept. 8). Mark McGwire, thanks for the memory after hitting your 62nd homer and establishing a new home-run record.


