
The Morning Rush

Women today have less time to get ready in the morning than they did five years ago, according to a recent survey conducted by Helene Curtis, the hair products manufacturer.

Not surprisingly, the survey also found that washing and styling hair took the most time and that sacrificing morning hair care routines is one of the last things women would give up. The study said women would forego exercise, breakfast or ironing before they would leave for work with unkempt hair.

The national survey was conducted on 500 women age 18 and older.

It found that on weekdays women are most pressed for time from 6 to 9 a.m. and that the first person they’d hire to make their morning routines more manageable would be a personal trainer.


Meg Ryan has the coif women would most like for themselves, the survey found. And of network morning hosts, they most admire the hairstyles of Kathie Lee Gifford, Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer.
