
Doing Business Online Boosts Bottom Lines

Associated Press

A new study being released today by San Jose-based Giga Information Group predicts that corporations around the world will save up to $1.25 trillion--close to the entire gross domestic product of France--doing business over the Internet by 2002. Those savings range from reducing the number of people it takes to process a sales request to making it easier and less expensive to order office supplies online. Internet analysts at Giga say that just as the telephone affected more than communications and jet airplanes affected more than travel, the Internet will continue to drive significant changes in the way industrialized nations do business. “The Internet is more than just a new way to sell products and services, it’s a way to efficiently run a business, resulting in significant cost savings that add to an organization’s bottom line,” said Andrew Bartels, a Giga vice president. Bartels said that for the most part, the savings are business to business, on internal processes, finances, procurement or human resources.
