
Atlanta Killings and Gun Control

How many more people are going to be murdered before we finally put some sensible controls on gun ownership? Are we going to need an entire school full of children killed? I am sick and tired of gun nuts who indignantly point toward the 2nd Amendment--which “well-regulated militia” do they belong to? Do we really believe that the framers could foresee the types of weapons available today at your local sporting goods store? Make your voice heard before someone in your family becomes the next victim.


Santa Barbara


“Progress Measured in Tragedy” (editorial, Aug. 1) once again belabors the futility of the arguments with respect to gun control. Mark Barton used one registered gun and a second unregistered. He wanted to kill and he did a bang-up job. Why, though, are you not calling for the registration of hammers? First he bludgeoned his family to death, certifying their demise face down in the bathtub. Maybe all homes should be required to remove bathtubs. Madmen and killers always find the mechanism to succeed.

Respect for life begins in the crib with instruction and guidance from responsible adults. Responsible adults seem to have become fewer and fewer through each succeeding generation since, dare I say, the ‘60s. Government cannot clean up our family act.



San Marino


After the Columbine tragedy the immediate response was looking for the causes. This incident and others were greatly blamed on the excessive and graphic violence that young people are exposed to through the media. So right away there is talk of new restrictions, new warnings, new labeling, tightening of security at movie theaters, control systems on TVs and computers and some vague talk of gun control.

Now after the Atlanta shootings, perpetrated by an adult, what could the reason possibly be? The easy access to guns, the lack of gun control? No, the culprit is day trading! So there is again talk of new restrictions, tightening of screening processes that already include fingerprinting, a criminal background check, a detailed financial statement and employment history and a hefty minimum deposit, whereas to buy a gun you pretty much just put your money on the table. Doesn’t anyone see the irony in this? How many more liberties must be restricted or taken away to “protect” us against these kinds of rampages? Simply restricting the means--guns--would be the greatest protection of all.


