
Tracking Down North American Dinosaurs

Do your kids trip out on tyrannosaurs? Go batty over brontosauruses? A map maker in Menlo Park, Calif., has come to the rescue.

“Coop’s Roadmap Guide to Dinosaur Sites and Museums in Western North America” points out 78 places where you can see dinosaur tracks, fossils, models, historic dig sites and other reptilian memorabilia. It even lists amusement parks (such as Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, Calif.) that have dino-themed rides or displays. And just to be ecumenical, it throws in a few prehistoric mammal sites, like the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, home to the La Brea Tar Pits.

Published last month, it’s the third travel map put out by the small, 2-year-old Coop’s Maps company; the others focus on historic trains and microbreweries. The dinosaur map is $5.95. It’s available at some travel bookstores or can be ordered from the company (65-cent shipping charge) at (800) 259-3139.
