
He Put It All on Line in Los Angeles Career

Why does The Times insist on giving front-page coverage to the likes of Lawrence Taylor, whose second career was in drug mismanagement? At the same time, Tom Mack, who used his engineering degree from the University of Michigan for post-football success and is a real role model, hardly gets a sentence.


Rancho Palos Verdes


Shame on the Los Angeles Times for its abysmal coverage of Tom Mack’s induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Perhaps the apparent malaise toward this milestone is symptomatic of L.A.’s blase attitude toward the potential return of pro football to our city. Nonetheless, it’s hard for me to imagine Jim Murray, Allan Malamud, Bob Oates, Mal Florence or John Hall permitting an actual Coliseum-playing, Los Angeles Rams’ induction to pass so quietly.


Los Angeles

Editor’s note: Chris Scibelli’s father, Joe Scibelli, played with the Los Angeles Rams from 1961 to 1975.
