
Bike May Be Symbol of Balance in Life


Dear Cynthia: Although I don’t usually remember my dreams, this one was very vivid and is still in my memory. I am 22 years old and am engaged to be married. Could my dream have anything to do with the marriage?

I am riding a blue bicycle down a crowded street, like in a downtown or old-town area. I turn around, and several children are following me--I’m not sure if they’re mine or not--and they are all identical. I tell them to come with me, to follow me into a store.

I ride my bicycle inside the store, which is very small and full of furniture. The children will not come with me, and I soon find that although I rode my bicycle into the store, I cannot turn around to get back out. The only way out is through a small window. The clerk in the store helps me lift my bike up to try to get it out the window, and then I try to climb out too, but I can’t because the window is too small.




Dear Reader: The color blue often is associated with spiritual matters or with deep insight. A bicycle requires balance and indicates that you are trying to be careful as you progress through your life at this time; indeed, balance is required. Going into the city, or center of things, you find that children follow you. These identical offspring may depict your own future family or other dreams. A store in the language of dreams is a place where you can obtain new supplies and resources. This one is filled with furniture, which symbolizes the beliefs and environment surrounding you. You have a small window of opportunity but you cannot get out. Only the vehicle requiring balance can fit through--and only with help!

It is normal to feel a bit trapped by the commitment of marriage, and to wonder how it will affect your life and dreams. Since the children will not follow you in your dream, it would seem that you’re concerned that marriage might keep you from attending to all your creative projects and goals. You strive for careful balance, but you cannot get out of the store: You may worry about how much access you will have to the life you have known so far.

Discussing your life dreams with your fiance and creating joint intentions for your future should relieve the anxiety.


Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (213) 237-0732 or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. “In Your Dreams” appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.
