
Armed Forces Draft

Re “Should We Bring Back the Draft?” Commentary, Aug. 16:

My granddaughter is in the third year of her four-year Army enlistment. She has a BS degree. One of the dimensions of her contract was that she would pay $100 per month for 11 months back to the Army, and in return she would get the GI Bill of Rights when she got out. Another dimension of her contract was that during the time she was in the Army, the Army would pay for 3/4 of her school costs for her to work toward her master’s degree. This lasted two years, and now they say they have no money for this, so she cannot take any classes unless she pays for them. She is discouraged with the Army because of this and does not think she will reenlist. She has already been to Korea and had six months in Kuwait during her 2 1/2 years.

I think we should bring back the draft for both males and females. It should be required that all young people, when they get out of high school, do two years in the military. It teaches discipline and many other things that they will never otherwise learn.


Palm Desert
