
Healthy Bestsellers


1. “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution,” by Robert C. Atkins (Avon, $6.50 paper)

2. “Protein Power: The Metabolic Breakthrough,” by Michael R. Eades and Mary D. Eades (Bantam, $6.50 paper)

3. “Something More: Excavating Your Authentic Self,” by Sarah Ban Breathnach (Warner, $20)

4. “Sugar Busters,” by H. Leighton Steward (Ballantine, $22)

5. “Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength,” by Bill Phillips and Michael D’Orso (HarperCollins, $25)

6. “No More Aching Back: Dr. Root’s New 15-Minute-a-Day Program for a Healthy Back,” by Leon Root (New American Library, $5.99 paper)


7. “Zagat Survey 1999: Los Angeles / Southern California Restaurant Guide,” edited by Merrill Shindler and Karen Berk (ZagatSurvey, $10.95 paper)

8. “Live Now, Age Later: Proven Ways to Turn Back the Clock,” by Isadore Rosenfeld (Warner, $24)

9. “Real Age: Are You as Young as You Can Be?,” by Michael F. Roizen with Elizabeth Anne Stephenson (Cliff Street/HarperCollins, $25)


10. “Suzanne Somers’ Get Skinny on Fabulous Food,” by Suzanne Somers (Crown, $24)

* Rankings are based upon Times’ poll of Southland bookstores.
