
Fish Report


CASTAIC LAKE--Small bass are biting in both lakes, but fishing generally is slow. A few large catfish were caught on mackerel in the upper lake. Small bluegills were being caught on mealworms in the lower lake.

LAKE PIRU--Trout are holding deep and trollers need lead-core line at nine-10 colors to reach them. Needlefish lures with green mixed in are working best. Bass have moved to deeper water. Plastic worms and night crawlers are getting some.

PYRAMID LAKE--Catfish are biting in the marina and channel on anchovies and worms. Largemouth bass action is fair early and poor during the heat of day. Night crawlers, plastic worms and spinnerbaits are getting them. A few stripers are being caught at Yellow Bar.


LAKE CACHUMA--Fishing is slow overall, but trout are being caught by those drifting with Power Bait or night crawlers at the west end, at about 40 feet. And bass are holding at 20 feet and occasionally taking plastic worms and night crawlers. Red-ear perch are in the narrows and biting at times on night crawlers.

LAKE CASITAS--The bigger bass have dived for cover and smaller fish are striking mostly dark-colored plastic worms. Trout and catfish are providing fair action.

JESS RANCH LAKES--The heat wave put a stop to the trout bite, but catfish and bluegills are biting on mackerel and mealworms, respectively.


CORONA LAKE--Catfish are being caught at the south end in deep holes. The fish aren’t very big but heavy line--20- or 30-pound test--is needed to keep them from reaching the trees.

ANAHEIM LAKE--Sam Manning, Los Angeles, 15 catfish totaling 63 pounds 2 ounces. Limits are not hard to come by for those using shrimp dipped in Hog Wild and marshmallow-mealworm combos.

IRVINE LAKE--The lake level is down and this has catfish congregating more toward the middle of the lake. Bass fishermen are doing OK with plastic worms.


LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Bass fishing is good on small plastic worms and crankbaits, but mot people are after catfish, which are deep during the day and in the shallows at night. Marshmallow-mealworm combos are best. A weed harvester will be on the lake today.

OSO RESERVOIR--Bass fishing remains fair to good and a 9-1 fish caught on a seven-inch tequila-sunrise plastic worm tops the list. Catfish are biting too.

LAKE SKINNER--Catfish are biting. Two anglers using mackerel caught 20 totaling 52 pounds. Striped bass are biting sporadically on anchovies and plugs at the dam and inlet. Largemouth bass are striking poppers off points.

LAKE PERRIS--Small bluegills and bass are the only active species, both at the east end.

GREEN VALLEY LAKE--Trout fishing has slowed and filling limits takes a lot of time. Top catch, a 4-pound 9-ounce trout by Susan Van Loon, Buena Park, as part of a 12-3 stringer filled by her family. They used a 1993 jar of salmon eggs. Lots of slightly smaller trout.

BIG BEAR LAKE--A seven-pound trout caught on Power Bait highlighted a fair week of action.

SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--Bass weighing 11-plus pounds were caught at Hodges, on a crankbait, and Sutherland, on a pig-n-jig. Bluegills remain active at Otay and San Vicente. Channel catfish are biting best at Hodges.

LAKE CUYAMACA--Limits of small crappies are not hard to fill, but the fish are small--a 25-fish stringer is averaging about four pounds. Trout are biting only sporadically and Power Bait and night crawlers are working best.


BISHOP AREA--Very good fishing at all lakes up and beyond the canyon. South Lake produced a 4-12 brown caught on a Krocodile. Fly fishermen might try midges in and parachute Adams flies in Weir Pond. The Lower Owens wild-trout section is running too fast for productive fishing anywhere but the back eddies. Try olive elk-hair caddis flies.

MAMMOTH LAKES AREA--A 9 1/2-pound rainbow was caught on a night crawler at Lake Mary and another 7-2 was caught on a night crawler at Convict. Fishing is fair to good in lakes and streams. The Upper Owens River is getting better. Crowley Lake is best and quality rainbows and wild browns are being taken by the few fishing there. Fly fishermen using perch fry, damsel nymphs and midge larvae patterns are hooking up to 40 fish a day.

JUNE LAKE LOOP--Trollers and bait fishermen using the usual stuff are doing well in mornings and afternoons, but there were no whoppers reported this week.

BRIDGEPORT--Big fish in Bridgeport Reservoir are biting mainly for trollers using Thomas Buoyants, Needlefish and Rapalas. Fishing isn’t great, but it’s getting better. Fly fishermen should use damsel fly imitations or perch fry patterns. The East Walker River flows have been adequate. Caddis imitations, hoppers and sculpin streamer patterns are getting fair results. Twin and Virginia lakes are yielding fair results. Stream fishing is fair to good.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--104 anglers (4 boats): 86 albacore, 170 red rockcod, 210 rockcod, 450 rockfish.


PORT SAN LUIS (Patriot Sportfishing)--39 anglers (3 boats): 111 rockcod, 162 rockfish, 96 red rockcod, 144 bolina, 5 lingcod, 28 albacore, 36 red snapper.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--19 anglers (1 boat): 2 sand bass, 2 ocean whitefish, 3 lingcod, 85 red snapper, 35 rockfish.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--133 anglers (6 boats): 80 barracuda, 23 blue perch, 29 calico bass, 1 halibut, 14 red snapper, 216 rockfish, 5 sheephead, 10 sculpin, 72 whitefish, 6 half-moon perch.

PORT HUENEME--33 anglers (3 boats): 6 albacore, 1 yellowtail, 8 calico bass, 12 sheephead, 13 barracuda, 122 shallow water rockfish, 5 sand bass, 158 whitefish, 1 blue perch.

MARINA DEL REY--62 anglers (3 boats): 110 barracuda, 1 yellowtail, 5 halibut, 39 sand bass, 2 calico bass, 23 sculpin.

REDONDO BEACH--117 anglers (4 boats): 134 calico bass, 29 sand bass, 13 barracuda, 24 sculpin, 42 whitefish, 16 blue perch, 5 rockfish, 1 sole, 210 mackerel.


SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--93 anglers (4 boats): 177 albacore, 123 sculpin, 19 whitefish, 11 rockfish, 1 sand bass, 1 calico bass. (22nd St. Landing)--86 anglers (3 boats): 51 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 33 sculpin, 5 whitefish, 1 perch, 178 rockfish.

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--95 anglers (4 boats): 6 barracuda, 10 calico bass, 5 sand bass, 106 rockfish, 11 sheephead, 29 sculpin, 14 whitefish, 1 lingcod, 62 mackerel. (Marina Sportfishing)--72 anglers (4 boats): 65 calico bass, 54 sand bass, 19 sheephead, 37 blue perch, 188 sculpin, 17 rockfish, 122 mackerel, 8 sole. (Pierpoint Landing)--88 anglers (6 boats): 91 albacore, 10 yellowtail, 32 barracuda, 75 calico bass, 43 sand bass, 17 rockfish, 11 sculpin.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--99 anglers (4 boats): 39 barracuda, 4 calico bass, 38 sand bass, 1 halibut, 14 rockfish, 15 sculpin, 4 sheephead, 100 mackerel. (Davey’s Locker)--140 anglers (5 boats): 3 yellowtail, 92 barracuda, 26 calico bass, 62 sand bass, 25 sculpin, 4 sheephead, 200 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--266 anglers (11 boats): 161 albacore, 2 bluefin, 44 calico bass, 42 sand bass, 103 mackerel, 6 halibut, 18 rockfish, 19 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 4 white seabass, 18 whitefish.

OCEANSIDE--124 anglers (7 boats): 80 albacore, 55 calico bass, 17 sand bass, 2 halibut, 24 sculpin, 1 whitefish, 46 rockfish, 1 red snapper.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--410 anglers (19 boats): 1,439 albacore, 83 bluefin tuna, 16 yellowtail, 1 dorado. (Seaforth)--227 anglers (9 boats): 106 albacore, 4 bluefin tuna, 63 yellowtail, 100 barracuda, 91 calico bass, 237 sand bass, 14 rockfish, 3 sculpin, 1 mako.



SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY--Big Bear Lake, Jenks Lake, Santa Ana River. INYO--Baker Creek, Big Pine Creek, Bishop Creek (Lower, Middle, North, South forks and Intake II), Goodale Creek, Independence Creek, Lake Sabrina, Lone Pine Creek, North Lake, Owens River (below Tinnemaha), Pine Creek, Rock Creek (Rock Creek Lake to the end of the road), Rock Creek Lake, South Lake, Taboose Creek, Tinnemaha Creek, Tuttle Creek. MONO--Convict Lake, Deadman Creek, George Lake, Glass Creek, Gull Lake, Grant Lake, June Lake, Lake Mary, Mamie Lake, Robinson Creek, Rock Creek (Paradise Camp to Toms Place and Toms Place upstream to Rock Creek Lake), Silver Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport, Twin Lakes Mammoth.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Alondra Park, Belvedere Lake, Cerritos Park Lake, Downey Wilderness Park Lake, Echo Park Lake, El Dorado Park Lake, Hansen Dam Lake, Hollenbeck Park Lake, La Mirada Park Lake, Legg Lake, Lincoln Park Lake, Magic Johnson Park Lake, Peck Road Park Lake, Puddingstone Reservoir, Santa Fe Reservoir. RIVERSIDE--Evans Lake, Rancho Jurupa Park Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Seccombe Lake.
