
Fill ‘er Up, Please, Robot? Uh-Uh

Can’t we go back to the nice, pleasant, friendly service attendant who would come and greet you and clean your windshield and pump your gas for you and check your tires while you sit in your car and you can still play with your cell phone or discipline an unruly child [“Selling Gasoline by the Minute,” Advertising & Marketing, July 21]?

I miss those days, and having a robot fill my gas tank just doesn’t cut it for me. Besides, it would give the gas companies another reason to jack up the prices again. As if they really need a reason.


Monterey Park


* So Shell is working on a $250,000 robot that will allow motorists to refuel without leaving their cars. I’m surprised no mention was made of a far cheaper alternative organic technology that can perform this task, as well as monitor critical automotive fluid levels, evaluate tire air pressure and cleanse all transparent vehicle surfaces. It’s called a gas station attendant.





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