
Gurza: Report to Detention

* Though Agustin Gurza stated in his Aug. 10 column that he “did some homework” for the Anaheim Union High School Board of Trustees, let me assure everyone that his homework project received a failing grade in my eyes.

If he had done his homework properly, Gurza would have discovered how difficult it is to do legal research in five days into such a matter when one is not an immigration attorney.

In fact, none of the five school board members are attorneys. Therefore, as we discover new information, it is presented in the public eye. This is not “fumbling”; it is following the Brown Act guidelines for public disclosure.


Furthermore, if Gurza had done a thorough job, he would have discovered that the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s policy not “to conduct any enforcement action whatsoever at a school or place of worship” is in direct violation of federal law.

Under both [federal and county] laws, doesn’t that make every school district liable for harboring illegal aliens?

I refuse to believe that within 5 million pages of federal code, a school board does not have the right to defend its legal students who rightfully deserve an education in the United States.




Anaheim Union

High School District
