

At 5 a.m. on Aug. 24, 47 years ago, my beloved brother, age 22, was taken out of his cell with three of his friends to be executed in a park in Taipei by the occupying nationalist Chinese. There was no trial. Four names were posted in front of the railway station. My family was notified by a stranger of the execution notice and where to find my brother’s body.

Taiwan was not and has not been part of the Chinese civil war. The corrupt nationalist Chinese took refuge in Taiwan after they were expelled by their own people. That started the reign of terror for the innocent native Taiwanese people for almost 50 years. The occupying Chinese in Taiwan constitute less than 15% of the total population in Taiwan. Your writers and columnists have written often on the desire and the rationale for the Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to unify. Aren’t the wishes and rights of 85% of the population on that island worth mentioning?


Los Alamitos
