
Prop. 187 Group Advocates New Ballot Measure

The grass-roots organization that launched the nation’s most controversial attack on illegal immigration in 1994 is pushing another statewide initiative in a bid to deny illegal immigrants most public services.

Proposition 187, approved by 60% of California, would have barred California from providing public services such as health care and education to illegal immigrants. That measure, which died last summer after being stalled by court rulings for years, spawned demonstrations across the state and is credited with pushing 1 million Mexican immigrants to become citizens.

With his proposed initiative, author Ron Prince wants to change the state Constitution to force California to conform to federal immigration laws, which prohibit state and local governments from providing benefits to illegal immigrants unless a state passes a law allowing it. Prince’s initiative would also bar the state Legislature from approving any such law.


Although Prince’s initiative, filed with the state attorney general’s office Nov. 2, would not deny public education to the children of illegal immigrants, it would require the state to count the number of illegal immigrants on each campus.

Critics say the measure is as divisive and unconstitutional as its predecessor.

But Prince said he has consulted with several legal experts who say his new initiative is sound.

Prince is seeking to place a companion measure on the ballot that would force the governor to defend initiatives all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and allow proponents to be co-defendants when the initiatives are challenged in court. That is in reaction to Gov. Gray Davis’ decision not to pursue appeals of Proposition 187.


The attorney general’s office expects to complete its review of the initiative language Dec. 27, said Diane Calkins, initiative coordinator. The initiative campaign would have 150 days to collect the 670,816 signatures to get the measure on the November ballot.
