
Witch May Conjure Up Childhood Issues


Dear Cynthia: I have had this recurring dream three times, once as a young boy, again as a young adult and recently at age 45. My sister and I are being chased by a witch or an evil spirit. We are both running and my sister is just ahead of me. My sister opens a door, and falls into a pit of fire and rocks, which could be hell. I am behind, but am able to grab onto the doorknob and not fall in. I keep thinking I should let go of the doorknob and rescue her, she could still be alive. But I think, how would I find her, and if she is dead, then why should I go down in the fire? What could this mean?


Huntington Beach

Dear J.M.: Where in your life do you struggle, wondering what is the right thing to do? I wonder if there was a perceived danger in your waking state during childhood? Children often dream of witches and monsters when they are afraid and feel in danger. Was your sister the victim of abuse? Did you feel helpless to protect or assist her? The fiery image of hell can represent punishment for perceived sins. Was your sister hard on you? Even if she was, you are concerned about her condition. But you are able to grab hold of the doorknob. In dreams a doorknob is the tool, the opening to new opportunity. You had a safety net and a choice about how involved you should be. Your concern for self-preservation is strong. If you were to let go of the one thing that is saving you, you may become powerless.

Did you have an abusive parent? Did you do your best to survive, all the while feeling somewhat guilty that you weren’t able to help your sister?


If any of this feels accurate, you may have had the dream as an adult because you have unresolved feelings that you would benefit from talking over with your sister. Or you may have projected this to other women you are involved with, and your dream may be reminding you of the source of the anxiety so that you can resolve and heal the situation. Dreams bring issues into the conscious mind so that we can become aware and heal.

Cynthia Richmond’s book “Dream Power: How to Use Your Night Dreams to Change Your Life” (Simon & Schuster) will be available Jan. 1. and may be pre-ordered at Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (213) 237-0732 or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. “In Your Dreams” appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.
