
Puritanism and Impeachment

Kevin Phillips has it all wrong in his Jan. 3 article, “Cultural Tide Gathers for a Puritan Revival.” Frankly, I think we are witnessing the death of puritanism.

Americans above all desire individual freedom. We are so diverse and multicultural now that no one religion, cult or evangelist could possibly appeal to a majority of the population. And the balance of the population would fight tooth and nail to prevent others’ views being implemented universally.

Americans in large numbers are responding to public sexual indiscretions with a resounding yawn. Many people emigrated here for freedom of religion; others did so to be free from religion and the resulting intolerance in their homelands. We are a patchwork of beliefs, increasingly secular, and with our free press and vast information systems the question is, why would anyone want to return to the less tolerant, more repressive ways of the past? Puritans lose, individual freedom triumphs!



Palm Springs


Puritan revival? I think we are seeing behavior made infamous by the scribes and Pharisees!


Toledo, Ohio


Michael Ramirez (Dec. 31) depicted precisely what is occurring in this country when shame is being sacrificed upon an altar of political expediency. The trial of Bill Clinton is a trial of the American people and who we are as a people. With almost unanimity, everyone agrees that punishment is in order for Clinton for his deed and lies. The question before us is how much? Will the politicians take the easy censure route?

A just and truly moral society will banish such a culprit from its elected midst and reestablish the tenet that character counts, particularly in the office of president. Otherwise, all we have taught our children and based our legal system upon, the importance of not lying, will be for naught.



Los Angeles


Welcome to 1999, and the continuation of the congressional version of “Les Miserables.” The GOP Javerts will relentlessly and mindlessly continue to pursue President Valjean for a transgression much less serious than indiscretions many prominent Republicans have already confessed to.

The real issue, for me, is this: Considering the company he keeps, do we truly want someone like Rep. Bob Barr telling us who is and who isn’t fit to be president?


Redondo Beach
