
The Deal

Revenue Devoted to Salaries

No fixed number in the first three years, 55% in the fourth, fifth and sixth years; 57% in year 7 if he owners exercise an option.

Maximum Salary

Up to five years of service--$9 million; 6-9 years--$11 million ; 10 plus years--$14 million.


Four-years scale with right of first refusal for fifth year.

Salary-Cap Exceptions

Each team can sign two additional players each season, even if it exceeds the salary cap--one player eventually at the league average, another at the league median salary.


Maximum Annual Raises

For Larry Bird exception players 12%; 10% for others.

Cost Certainty

An escrow tax of 10% will be withheld from players paychecks if percentage of income devoted to salaries exceeds triggers of 55% in years 4-6, with players deciding who among them must pay the tax.

Minimum Salaries

In Year 1: $287,500 for rookies, up to $1 million for 10-year players.

Other Issues

* Longer suspensions and higher fines for player misconduct.

* Players drug tested once per season, and marijuana and illegal steroids added to the list of banned substances.

* End to opt-out clauses in the first five years of contracts.

* Performance bonuses limited to 29% of the value of contract.
