
Mental Health Merger

Several Ventura County supervisors continue to talk about a merger of the Behavioral Health Department with the Public Social Services Agency despite the loss of money and time spent over the past 18 months to force a bad idea that proved illegal. Turmoil and a larger than usual number of deaths have occurred during that time.

For everyone’s benefit, including taxpayers, the county should quickly return mental health services permanently to the Health Care Agency and move on to provide optimal care for the mentally ill who need stability and certainty.

Mental health advocates fear the truth behind the persistence to merge is likely to be found in Medicare / MediCal reimbursements allowed for treatment and care of the mentally ill in the community. In many respects, this is a “cash cow” to the county, and counties have been given greater flexibility in their use of mental health funds. Case management has flourished, and billings are often made for relatively marginal services. It has brought in millions of extra dollars but to the detriment of appropriate housing with supports that are necessary for proper care of the more disabled.


The use of mental health dollars to support other departments is unethical at best, and inhumane when the most basic human needs are often lacking to persons too ill to seek help or speak on their own behalf. Particularly disconcerting was the wholehearted support the Mental Health Department gave to the merger, despite its illegality as determined by the federal Health Care Financing Administration.

The energy of the county should be invested in creating a comprehensive plan for their care. Psychotic people should be hospitalized and not prematurely shuttled out into the community.

Let’s stop worrying about the merger and start worrying about providing care with appropriate levels of treatment and support.


LOU MATTHEWS, Past President, Ventura County Alliance for the Mentally Ill
