
Review of ‘Depressed’: Too Much Information

The point of book reviews, at least as I understand it, is to give the reader a critical appraisal of a novel. Apparently, your reviewers believe their job is actually to synopsize the story and reveal every plot twist. Case in point: Michael Harris’ recent review (“From Depression to Wisdom,” Jan. 5) of “Duane’s Depressed,” Larry McMurtry’s concluding novel in a trilogy.

Harris felt it necessary to tell us everything that happens in the book--and to reveal that a major character gets killed midway through. I’m a big Larry McMurtry fan and have been looking forward to this book for some time. I read Harris’ review expecting an opinion and a general overview of the plot. If I want more than that, I’ll buy the book. Much of the enjoyment of reading a book comes from not knowing what the next page will hold. Harris has succeeded in ruining that.

