
Life in Rio

We read your Jan. 12 story, “Fort Rio: Where the Rich are Prisoners of Their Fears,” with shock and amazement.

Rio de Janeiro clearly has its share of big-city crime, like any city in the U.S. or elsewhere. But to insinuate that its inhabitants are living in fortresses, scared to venture out on the streets, is nothing short of preposterous. Just go out on any street, at almost any hour, and you will see happy, lively people and families, enjoying themselves on the beach, in restaurants or parks, playing, dancing, singing and truly living. Without a doubt, we feel safer on the streets of Rio than in L.A., New York or Chicago any day, any time.

If only once the U.S. media would focus on the wonderful things that Rio has to offer. You have the done the city a great injustice. We’re appalled.



Dana Point
