
Limit on Gun Sales

Re “Council Panel Supports Limits on Gun Purchases,” Jan. 14:

So no one testified against L.A. City Council member Mike Feuer’s plan to implement yet one more of Sarah Brady’s acts of harassment against law-abiding gun owners. Could this be because his committee is a cozy, self-absorbed cabal of 2nd Amendment foes? One more reason to work for secession from Los Angeles.


West Los Angeles


Your story regarding the proposed one-gun-per-month sales restriction now being considered by the L.A. City Council was most interesting. Ostensibly, the reasoning behind such legislation is to thwart so-called straw buyers who purchase multiple firearms at one time for the purpose of reselling them to street criminals.

Every gun buyer must complete a federal form 4473 for each gun, stating that the arm is being purchased for his/her personal use only, not for resale. During the 10-day waiting period, LAPD reviews the buyer’s background to determine if he/she is a prohibited person. If one purchases three guns in one month, the BATF is notified.


Where are the gun sales statistics supporting the straw buyer assertion? Are there really people other than federally licensed dealers buying 10, 15, 20 guns in one month from L.A. gun shops? This issue is just another red herring designed to intimidate law-abiding gun owners.


Redondo Beach
