
Eroding Rights

* Why is it that nobody seems to notice that the rights that Americans were so proud of are disappearing? Thank God for Column Left. In “Climbing the Prosecutorial Wall to Politics” (Jan. 14), Alexander Cockburn brought to light that if a defense attorney bought a witness, he would be charged with obstructing justice. But a prosecutor can slip a witness a wad of cash or the prospect of freedom if he snitches on someone. Does this sound a bit one-sided? This is America?

Cockburn quotes attorney Tony Serra that a grand jury can indict and “the accused isn’t there, and doesn’t see, hear, confront, cross-examine his or her accuser.” This is America?

Mandatory sentences mean that law enforcement agencies now stipulate the sentences and the judiciary has to go along. This is America?


The KGB would love it!


Los Angeles
