
Airport Security

Re “For Safer Skies, More Ground Security,” Commentary, Jan. 17: Oh please, that’s all the traveling public needs--jackbooted special forces members wandering LAX’s terminals looking for things and people that don’t exist. There has never been a domestic plane crash caused by terrorism. More air travelers have died from accidents caused by pilot error and mechanical malfunctions than all air terrorist acts combined.

I fly all the time and assert that the harassing security procedures the traveling public endures are humiliating, degrading and time-consuming. Most serious travelers I know don’t agree with the alarmist calls for more intrusive airport security routines. And please don’t use the old “one life saved is worth the price” routine--there is risk to everything we do in life. The airports and airlines have achieved the right balance. Any more would be a gross invasion of personal liberties and freedom.


San Pedro
