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David Kendall, Clinton’s personal attorney, resumed the White House defense, recalling the “tortuous and meandering Whitewater investigation, which approximately a year ago was transformed in a remarkable way into the Lewinsky investigation.” He called Clinton’s actions in the Lewinsky affair “self-inflicted wounds” that do not call for senators “to assume the awesome responsibility for reversing the results of two national elections.”

Former Senator Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.), changed the mood in the senate with an hour-long summation of the White House defense. His folksy manner alternatively humorous and serious was well received by the former colleagues he served with until last year.

Bumpers rebutted the assertion by House managers that a vote to acquit Clinton would be a “breech of faith” with American veterans.



The Senators will have their chance to question both the House managers and the White House defense team. They will submit written questions to the Chief Justice William Rehnquist who will read the questions to either side. The time limits have not been decided yet, but time set aside for questions is today and Saturday, begining at 10 a.m.
