
Fashion Hounds Get Their Warm Fuzzies

What’s a little doggie to do? Chilly nights mean bundling up, but those scratchy acrylic sweaters! And plaid overcoats are just not what cool canines want to wear.

Fret no more, poor Petco pooch, Fifi & Romeo have arrived.

Founded in September by Chihuahua owners and costume designers Penelope Francis and Yana Syrkin, Fifi & Romeo is a line of sweaters and coats for small dogs and their fashion-conscious owners--Rose McGowan and Tracey Ullman among them.

“People with style don’t want their dogs wearing the awful stuff most [pet] stores sell. Our goal is to keep the dog warm and to make the owner proud,” says Syrkin, who created her first tiny sweater after her Chihuahua, Yoda, caught a cold and a vet charged her $200.


At Fifi & Romeo, the sweaters are made from vintage cashmere and accessorized with embroidery or beading. Coats are made from new or vintage fabrics and accented with faux fur collars.

Sold locally at Barneys, Fred Segal and Jennifer Kaufman, the line ranges in price from $100 to $300.

For more information: (310) 854-4202 or [email protected].
