
Don’t Let Guns in Your Home Trigger a Tragedy

Many people keep weapons in the home to protect their families, even though the guns sometimes end up causing unexpected tragedy. Here are some tips on how to safely keep weapons in your home and reduce the risk of an accident:

* Think long and hard about having weapons, especially firearms, in your home. Some studies suggest that a firearm in the home is more likely to hurt or kill a family member than to stop an intruder.

* Consider other means of protection as well: Invest in top-grade locks, jamming devices for doors and windows, a dog or an alarm system. Start or join a Neighborhood Watch.


* Check with the police, the YMCA or your city recreation department about self-defense classes.

* If you do own guns, make sure they are safely stored. That means unloaded, trigger- locked and in a locked gun case or pistol box, with ammunition locked up separately.

* Store keys out of reach of children, away from weapons and ammunition. Check frequently to make sure this storage remains secure.


* Obtain training from a certified instructor in firearms safety for everyone in the home.

* Show children how to settle arguments or solve problems without using words or actions that hurt others. Set the example by the way you handle everyday conflicts.

* Discourage name-calling and teasing. These can easily get out of hand, moving all too quickly from “just words” to fists, knives and even firearms.

* Teach children that bullying is wrong, and take their fears about bullies seriously.

* Take a hard look at what you, your family and your friends watch and listen to for entertainment-- from action movies and cop shows to video games and music lyrics. How do the characters solve problems? Do they make firearms and other violence appear exciting, funny or glamorous? Are the real-life consequences of violence for victims and families clear?


* Stick with friends and family who steer clear of violence and drugs. And encourage your children to do the same.

* Be sure you know where and how to report potentially violent situations or concerns about conditions in the neighborhood.

* Support schools and youth clubs in their efforts to keep guns, knives and other weapons from menacing children. Encourage children to report any weapons.

For more information, write to the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, 1225 Eye St. N.W., Room 1100, Washington, D.C. 20005. Phone: (202) 289-7319. National School Safety Center, 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 290, Westlake Village, CA 91362. Phone: (805) 373-9977.
