
Surplus and National Debt

* Re “Use Budget Surpluses for People’s Real Needs,” Commentary, Jan. 22: Throughout his career, Robert Reich has proposed left-wing policies that border on Marxism. So it comes as no surprise that he wants to spend the coming budget surplus on social programs instead of paying down the national debt or giving taxpayers a break. In a roundabout way he argues that expanding the government’s involvement in health care will help the unemployed in Germany and France.

I guess I need a refund on my MBA tuition, because I learned that the Great Depression was caused by faulty monetary policy, not by budget deficits being too small. How about this: Interest on the national debt ranks as the third-largest expenditure in the federal budget. If we retire some of the principal, then the interest expense will be less and hence a smaller portion of future budgets.

We could then return a substantial portion of money to the taxpayers and I will go out and buy a fancy BMW to help the poor German workers.





Reich’s suggested uses for the surplus are commendable; however, spending the money for any purpose other than paying down debt is horrible advice. That is like telling people with huge credit card debt, etc., that any extra moneys should be taken to the mall.

If we pay our debts we will have more money to spend in the long term and we could reduce taxes. Let us be responsible.


Mission Viejo
