
Meaningful Charter Reform

* The Los Angeles Times has taken a clear position in favor of charter reform and opposed to secession. The United Chambers of Commerce supports the study on secession but has taken no position on secession itself. We are, however, committed to meaningful charter reform.

If The Times supports charter reform as the alternative to secession, why has The Times taken editorial positions supporting the compromise charter package when this package:

* Offers no additional community decision-making power over the current charter, thus denying the Valley the very reason for its support of charter reform in the first place.


* Gives labor nearly everything it wants without providing any similar benefits to the business community.

* Provides virtually no significant relief from the regulatory and tax burdens created by the current charter.

If The Times truly supports charter reform as the preferred alternative to secession, it needs to support more significant reform than appears to be headed to the ballot.




United Chambers

of Commerce of the

San Fernando Valley
