
Buying Classrooms

Thank you, Al Bowen, for helping to expedite the purchase of new bungalows for class-size reduction (“Purchase of Classrooms Broke Law, Audit Says,” July 9). The idea of class-size reduction was a good one but initiated without planning. Suddenly school administrators had to make miracles by hiring many new teachers and, surprise, having classrooms for them. But there were no classrooms available.

Classes were being held in the school library (which meant all the other children in the school couldn’t use the library), in the auditorium (so the auditorium was no longer usable to the rest of the school), in the staff lunchroom, in the parent center and with two teachers sharing one classroom or three teachers sharing two classrooms. It took over a year to get the new bungalows at our school.

So once again I say, if it is true that Bowen or anyone else in the school district took a chance to help children, thank you!



El Dorado Elementary School

