
Preferences for Veterans

A bill pending in the state senate would establish veterans preference for employment with local agencies. This bill would require any city or county, general law or chartered, when it has established a civil service system, to implement a veterans preference system by Jan. 1, 2002, or adopt a resolution identifying reasons the local agency does not do so.

When I was first informed of this bill I questioned why we would need something like this in Ventura County. As evidenced by the vigor with which our local leaders have fought to prevent closure of local military bases, there should be no need.

Sadly, that is not the case. I recently did a survey to see what kind of job preference local cities offer to our veterans. The results are shocking:


Santa Paula: none. Moorpark, none. Ventura, none. Fillmore, none. Port Hueneme, none. Thousand Oaks, none. Oxnard, none. Simi Valley, none. Only Ventura County offers veterans a helping hand with veterans preference.

Sadly, not one of of Ventura County’s cities offers disabled veterans preference either. Veterans who are disabled as a result of injuries or illnesses incurred on active duty represent an absolute obligation for our nation.

I would think that if our cities wanted to take advantage of the financial fruits from our military bases that they could give something back to our veterans. Why would the Pentagon want to keep our bases open when our cities have turned their backs on Ventura County’s 75,000 veterans?


I urge our local city councils to do the right thing and correct this injustice. Let every city in Ventura County implement veterans preference before they are forced to by the state. Let Ventura County be the first county in California that has all of its cities offer our veterans a hand and a thank you.

