
Restaurant Joins Family in Reward Offer for Ashes

The Laguna Beach restaurant where a woman lost her father’s ashes and videotapes of him said Tuesday that it will increase to $800 the reward offered to anyone with information about the items’ whereabouts.

“We understand the family’s grief,” said Robert L. Carl, vice president of public relations for the Mexican restaurant Las Brisas. The restaurant “will match the reward placed by the family for the prompt return of all the items.”

Barbara Keathley left her camera bag behind after eating dinner at the restaurant Feb. 24. In it were family videos, including her father’s memorial service, and her father’s ashes in a plastic bag.


Keathley is offering $400 for the return of the videos and the ashes “with no questions asked if we could just get them back.”

The family can be reached at (619) 368-5225.
