

The savage hacking of Americans in Uganda (“2 Americans Among 8 Slain in Uganda Forest,” March 3) reminds us that the world is full of unsafe places. If there is any positive from the perspective of a security professional, it is in the quick thinking ascribed to Linda Adams, the Bay Area tourist who escaped execution. She feigned an asthma attack to win release. Bravo, Ms. Adams, for showing the presence of mind to try something--anything.

This reminded me of advice from old military evasion and escape briefings: the best time to attempt escape is as soon as possible after capture. Other advice that we in the protection business would dispense is, regrettably, very unfashionable. Move in the direction away from trouble, rather than toward it. But that means taking more cues from the “Accidental Tourist” than from Fielding’s Guide to the World’s Most Dangerous Places.


Los Angeles
