
Around the Yard

Things to do this week:

* Control rose pests. Before they get too numerous to knock down, spray roses with a summer or light oil spray to smother “rose slugs,” which are actually the larvae of a sawfly. At first they make a few tiny holes in leaves, but soon plants are peppered with very noticeable holes.

Also watch for spring’s migrating aphids, and blast them off foliage with a strong stream of water. Oils work on them too.

If diseases such as mildew and rust have been rampant in the past, they are easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive sprays to be applied now include sulfur, Fungi-fighter, Funginex, Aliette or Daconil. Be sure to follow label directions carefully.


* Prune camellias and azaleas. If you need to prune a camellia or azalea, do so as soon as it finishes blooming. New growth quickly follows flowering.

* Leave bulbs alone. As permanent bulbs in the garden, such as daffodils or freesias, finish flowering, cut off the flower spikes but leave the foliage alone. Drying foliage will build up strength in the bulbs for next year. Don’t cut leaves until they are brown.

Temporary bulbs such as tulips, on the other hand, should be dug out as soon as they finish flowering, while you can still find the bulbs. They will not return next year.
