
Making Connection

Residential yard waste adds up to 20% of what we send to Los Angeles County landfills.

The Smart Gardening Web site, sponsored by the county Department of Public Work’s Environmental Programs Division, offers information on backyard composting, worm composting, grass recycling and water-wise gardening, in addition to the locations of 13 Backyard Composting and Home Garden Learning Centers throughout the county.

The Web site is available at on the Internet.

Details about household hazardous waste collection, used motor oil recycling, paint disposal, illegal dumping in storm drains and curbside recycling in the city of Los Angeles are available in English and Spanish by calling (888) CLEAN-LA, a service of Project Pollution Prevention.

Those with a rotary phone should call between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
