
And the Dinner Is . . .

Whew! Now that you don’t have to come up with a clever excuse to leave work early and prep for your own Oscar party, since the Academy Awards have moved to Sunday, you can put a little more thought into your menu--beyond pizza, Buffalo wings, Baked Lay’s and Diet Coke.

Cha Cha Cha Encino wants you to know that they are there for you--with a selection of boxed, to-go “Oscar Night Caribbean Islands” menus. They include the “ ‘Hilary and Jackie’ Go To Antigua” Cobb salad; “ ‘A Simple Plan’ for St. Croix” vegetable or turkey wrap; “ ‘Life Is Beautiful’ on St. Thomas” poached Norwegian salmon; “Find ‘One True Thing’ in St. Kitts” barbecue salad with chicken; “Central Station” jerk chicken; “Montego Bay Is Filled with ‘Primary Colors’ ” barbecue salad with shrimp; and “ ‘The Truman Show’ Is a Hit on Barbados” Caesar salad.

The dinners, which range from $16 to $23, will be available this week through Academy Awards night, Sunday. Upping the ante, 25 customers will also be eligible to win a $25 gift certificate to Cha Cha Cha Encino, depending on how many awards “their” film receives. All orders must be placed at least 24 hours in advance. Delivery is available in a limited area.
