
NATO Expansion and Russia

* We are all sorry that Mikhail Gorbachev feels betrayed by the West over the admission of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic to NATO (Commentary, March 12). But one would hope that the heartfelt desires of the 60 million citizens of those countries are of greater worth than the bruised feelings of one man.

It is entirely understandable that Eastern Europeans would seek greater security against any future reoccurrences of the occupations, conquests and military dictatorships so recently imposed by Gorbachev’s country.


Sun Valley

* Russia was not betrayed or humiliated by NATO enlargement and policies advocated by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Russia is betrayed and humiliated by Russian elites who ruined the country by greed, corruption and incompetence. Russian elites should forget their imperialistic dreams and fix their own country; as a minimum, feed their people.



Huntington Beach
