
The Student Body Politic

It’s happening all over high school campuses--student body elections. And when it comes to political campaigning, kids get creative. Take Jim Weir of North Tustin, for instance.

Jim, a junior at Foothill High in Santa Ana, plastered his school with posters that carried funny and sometimes nonsensical slogans, such as “Don’t worry ladies, there’s plenty of Jim Weir to go around” and “Don’t be a player hater.”

One of the other candidates wanted to be remembered by his short stature and called himself a “midget” in his public statements. In response, Jim created one of his more popular signs: “Jim Weir loves midgets.”


“The slogans were designed to get people’s attention and to get them to know my name,” said Jim, 17. “They don’t really make any sense, but that’s what people liked about them.”

Jim played it right. On Monday, he became the school’s new ASB president.

Other than cutting up his classmates, Jim said, he had some major motivations for running.

“All my life I have loved the student leadership programs at schools. In the fifth grade, I was the president of the school. Then in junior high I was in ASB for two years,” he said. “Also, being an Eagle Scout helped me develop the skills and personality to be the president of a successful student body.”
