
Oddball Phenomena Find a Home Online

In the early part of this century, Charles Fort collected strange phenomena the way other people collect baseball cards. Since 1973, the Fortean Times has been continuing the good work, reporting on phenomena that might make the heart of Agent Mulder beat a little faster.

The Web site for Fortean Times ( calls itself “The No. 1 Source of Strange Phenomena on the Net.” Here, one can find information on such varied subjects as Eliphas Levi (the father of modern occultism), the “truth” about widely believed famous biographical facts and what people are doing about the Y2K problem.

Fortunately, the Forteans maintain a sense of humor about themselves. The Pre-Millennium page tells couples how to increase their chances of having a baby on Jan. 1, 2000, and then suggests the process is more trouble than it’s worth.


For those who can’t get enough of this stuff online, one can attend “Unconvention ‘99: Monsters, Madness and the Millennium” in London at the end of April.
