
Yeltsin’s New Chief of Staff Makes Rounds

<i> From Associated Press</i>

President Boris N. Yeltsin’s new chief of staff made contacts Saturday with key players in Russian politics, including the prime minister and the chairmen of the two houses of parliament.

Alexander Voloshin also checked in with his predecessor, Nikolai N. Bordyuzha, who was ousted Friday in the first apparent fallout from a brewing political scandal.

Voloshin, who was previously the deputy chief of staff, reportedly discussed economic and social issues with Prime Minister Yevgeny M. Primakov.


Bordyuzha’s ouster apparently was linked to a growing scandal surrounding Prosecutor General Yuri I. Skuratov. Yeltsin tried to oust Skuratov, but the upper house refused to accept the dismissal. In what looked like a retaliatory strike orchestrated by the Kremlin, state TV aired a video showing a man who appeared to be Skuratov having sex with two women.
