
Universal Opening 2nd Orlando Theme Park

Universal Studios Inc. next Saturday will begin opening a whole new theme park in Orlando, Fla., just a short hop from its Universal Studios Florida park--and competitor Disney World.

Islands of Adventure pitches to an older crowd than Disney, with an upside-down coaster called the Hulk and a pop culture atmosphere. The five “islands” feature vintage children’s book and cartoon figures like Dr. Seuss’ “Cat in the Hat” and Popeye. Among the high-tech rides is Spider-Man, combining a moving vehicle, live action and 3-D. Also planned for the $2.6-billion project are several hotels and a CityWalk (described as “loosely patterned” on Universal CityWalk here) with theaters, restaurants and clubs.

Saturday begins what a spokesman calls “a technical rehearsal” before the park’s official mid-May opening. Not all rides will be open on all days. You can buy tickets on-site or at Orlando hotels for $32.95. When the park is fully opened, the price will be “around $44,” the spokesman added. Information: tel. (800) UESCAPE.
