
Involved Youth

In George Skelton’s March 18 column, he alludes to a cynicism that pervades the youth of today. I am a relatively young person (24), and many of my peers have gotten involved in the community in a variety of ways: We tutor children after school, we run or walk 10 kilometers to raise awareness for a variety of diseases, we clean up beaches, we help feed the poor--I can go on and on.

On a personal note, I have registered voters, walked precincts for candidates and have even given money to candidates. And yes, I do have political heroes: Robert Kennedy, Rep. Tony Hall of Ohio (who in 1993 had the courage to undergo a three-week fast to draw attention to hunger) and Richard Holbrooke (who helped broker an end to the war in Bosnia). And finally, we have many honorable men and women who diligently serve at the local government level and act as role models for youth.


Los Angeles
