
Cloth Pieces Sought For Peace Project

Millions of cloth squares symbolizing those who are in favor of peace will be sewn together in “Cloth of Many Colors,” a nationwide project aiming to promote world peace as the crisis continues in Kosovo. The Center for Creative & Conscious Living in Cypress is encouraging its members and other community members to join the effort. Participants are encouraged to contribute an egg-size piece of cloth cut from a favorite piece of clothing. But before sending it in, they are to “charge” the piece of cloth with prayer by holding it in their hands and thinking peaceful thoughts. These instructions are based on the belief that if everyone comes together in consciousness, they can make a difference, an idea typical of Eastern religions and Religious Sciences churches, said the Rev. Diane Borcyckowski, senior minister at the center in Cypress.

The project, based in New York, aims to collect at least 5 million pieces by the end of 1999. The cloth swatches will then be sewn together to create a banner, which is expected to measure several city blocks long. Organizers hope hundreds of volunteers will gather at U.N. headquarters New York City on Jan. 1, 2000, and encircle the building with the banner.

The banner will later be made into “peace shawls,” which organizers plan to present to various world leaders next year.


Fabric swatches can be brought either to the Center for Creative and Conscious Living, 4552 Lincoln Ave. Suite 104, or mailed directly to the New York headquarters at Cloth of Many Colors Peace Project, 50 East Main St., Riverhead, NY 11901. Information: (714) 761-2004.
