
Spano Fans

As a member of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s (GLAAD) Monitoring & Response Team, I would like to commend the Los Angeles Times for publishing “Women Both Gay and Straight Get a Warm Welcome in Palm Springs” by Susan Spano (Her World, March 7).

Spano’s article showed that lesbians and straight women can vacation together comfortably without feeling threatened by questions of sexual orientation. In the article, co-owners Denise Roberson and Joanna Funaro emphasize that they want all women to feel comfortable at their resort, and Spano’s obvious enjoyment of Casitas Laquita will hopefully encourage a diverse mix of women to experience its beauty for themselves.

I applaud your continuing inclusion of quality articles covering the social issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Accurate and fair depictions of lesbians and gay men are crucial toward helping eradicate homophobia.



GLAAD Monitoring & Response Team


Susan Spano’s March 28 article on the intrepid octogenarian travelers (“As Two Octogenarian Travelers Prove, the Joys of the Road Know No Age Limit,” Her World) was delightful and inspiring. I believe I can guarantee that given her past and present enthusiasms, Spano’s wish for the same joie de vivre at age 80 will be fulfilled.


Los Angeles
