
Prisoners of Earlier Wars

* What a difference a few decades makes! The media have finally learned to respect the sacrifices of the men and women of our American military, especially those who are captured as prisoners of war.

Our three released POWs are receiving a well-deserved welcome home after 32 days of captivity. This media coverage appears to have galvanized the American people.

Although it may be too late to do it right, let us not forget those brave Americans who spent months as POWs after being captured by North Korea while serving on the Pueblo, and those brave American POWs who served in Vietnam and spent years as prisoners of war. Many died and many returned home torn and scarred for life, only to receive a very weak and shameful thank you from all of America, including the media.


Isn’t it a crime that the only mention they receive today is when one commits a crime and the headlines read, “Former Marine and Vietnam Veteran Arrested”?


