
STAR Testing

* Douglas Ford was highly critical of the STAR section of the recent Stanford 9 test (letter, May 15). However, his criticism is unjustified, since the STAR exam is a well-conceived plan to assess the children who rank at the high end of the national norms.

As a highly qualified mathematics substitute in 20 districts, including Irvine, Saddleback and Long Beach middle schools, where sixth- and seventh-graders are already mastering the Pythagorean theorem, areas/volumes of geometric shapes, sequences and pattern recognition, I work with many kids who can easily handle the 35-question STAR.

One of my above-average students was so unchallenged by the geometry problems on the STAR that she moved on to Grossmont College for more difficult work. The STAR exam will identify these children and allow them to move to greater heights.



Huntington Beach
