
Roadblocks to Personal Fulfillment


Dear Cynthia: I have two recurring dreams. In the first, I am at an amusement park, excited about riding the huge, fast roller coasters, but I never make it on them. The lines are too long or I get distracted. Every time the ride plunges downhill, it comes off the track and I feel terror and panic. I end up on a water ride.

In the second dream, I am in a group of people getting ready to perform (either a chorus, a dancing group or a play). The performance is going to start that evening, and I am panicked because I am completely unprepared! I don’t know my lines, I forgot all the dance steps, etc.

--Jill, La Canada

Dear Jill: The dreams seem related so let’s take a look at both.

In the first, life may seem like an amusing ride for you, yet you long for more excitement--a faster pace with more variety. Somehow things get in the way of your actually experiencing this goal; maybe it is just not worth the effort. Then you do ride the water ride. Since water symbolizes emotion, you may feel that your emotional life is off track.


The second dream is reminiscent of a common dream theme, that of needing to take a test for which you haven’t studied. In your version, your social life is involved since you are part of a group and there is a performance at stake. The desire to excel is also revealing, but as in the first dream, obstacles prevent you from achieving your goal.

So you could ask yourself what roadblocks occur in your emotional and social life, preventing a satisfying result.

You have the desire but something always derails you from achieving your desire. Is it a self-imposed obstacle such as fear? Is there indeed some preparation that would be helpful?


Identify your desires and the steps toward achieving them and take action. Very likely the dreams will change or stop. Please let me know the result.

Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (213) 237-0732 or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. “In Your Dreams” appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.
