
Jact Full of Feeling

Teetering on the edge of falling in love. Lingering in the shadow of self-doubt. Wrestling the demons of excess and then healing the damage. With their debut album, members of the new band Jact want you to know that they’ve been there. Calendar Live gets insight into their emotional brand of rock ‘n’ roll.

What’s on TV?

Each day, Calendar Live’s TV & Radio page spotlights the top picks for television that evening, plus video news, TV listings and a week’s worth of Howard Rosenberg columns in case you’ve missed one.

Calendar Live Make-Over

Calendar Live is already a year old. That’s 10 years in Internet time! Clearly, a redesign was in order. The new and improved Calendar Live showcases an innovative split-screen format that offers increased navigation throughout the site. The new Calendar Live also offers a two-week calendar of top-ranked entertainment activities in addition to daily announcements of upcoming concerts, plays and museum exhibits so that you can get your tickets early. Also featured are weekly dining recommendations, a guide to local bands, and a complete database of movie reviews and show times.


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