
Look at What Our Schools Need

* Anyone who has not been on a high school campus recently should spend a few short hours at San Clemente High.

They need to walk around the campus and visit the classrooms, especially the portables. Be careful not to let a ceiling tile fall on your head or to trip on the flooring. Also, be very careful that the traveling teacher doesn’t stampede you on his way to his next decrepit classroom. I am appalled that teachers have to work in this horrific environment and that my son has this chaotic learning environment.

Along with this, students have a block schedule, which leaves them days at a time without meeting in all classes. This type of scheduling lacks continuity and cuts into the curriculum that needs to be taught over the school year. “Getting back to basics” is only a start. Enough fads have been used in education, and we have lost a generation of students.


Our children and our educators deserve a dignified place to work and to learn. Our school system needs to get back to the rigid structure of quality in academics with an environment that is conducive to learning!


Capistrano Beach
